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  • Why should I take my dog to daycare?
    The primary reasons most pet parents bring their dogs to daycare are mental stimulation, exercise, and socialization! Doggy daycare can also help alleviate boredom and loneliness through a safe, fun, and cage-free outlet for dogs of all energy levels.
  • What do I need to bring to daycare?
    There are 2 parts to this question . . . daycare and boarding. For daycare, all you need to bring is your furry friend with a simple leash and collar (no belt or choker style) setup! No need to worry about full harnesses, retractable leashes, etc. For boarding, you’ll want to bring your dog’s typical dog food/treats (enough for their stay), favorite toys (no squeakers please), and any bedding that’ll make your pet feel extra comfortable while you’re gone!
  • Does my dog need to pass a temperament test?
    Absolutely they do! We love every dog that comes through our doors, but safety is still of the utmost importance. At home, your pet may act calm and relaxed, but at daycare, they may show a high energy level that you’ve never seen before. It’s important that we observe your pet in a variety of staff-controlled situations before allowing your dog to join pack play. We will then determine if your dog has more of a shy or dominate personality or if they fall somewhere in between! Dogs of similar personality types are typically placed in the same yard.
  • What is Gingr Pet-Care Software?
    Gingr is a secure user-friendly dog daycare, boarding, and grooming software that provides Pup City customers with a convenient online portal. Clients can self-register, complete required forms, submit reservation requests, and more! The code for Pup City on the Gingr platform is 209659. Contact us if you have any further questions.
  • Does my dog need to be spayed/neutered?
    Yes, all dogs must be at least 5 months old and spayed or neutered before coming in for any Pup City service (including temperament tests).
  • What type of vaccinations does my dog need before coming to daycare?
    All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations. Prior to a scheduled temperament test, owners must submit written records showing their dogs have current DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvo), Lepto, Rabies, Bordetella, CIV, and recent fecal (every 12 months). It is the Owner's responsibility to provide updated verification of current vaccinations.
  • Do I need a reservation?
    Yes, you need a reservation for both our daycare and boarding services. It’s very important that we know how many dogs we’ll be expecting daily. Appropriate staffing levels and kennel availability are based 100% on reservations! Walk-ins are allowed but may not be accepted depending on staffing levels, daily dog numbers, etc.
  • How are dogs separated?
    Dogs are separated into 3 different yards based on personality type and weight. Dog and breed size are also considered when determining the appropriate yard for our new furry friends! Please keep in mind that there may be yard mingling when it comes to size. Senior dogs and very low tempered large breeds may be better suited for smaller yards. We find it important that small dogs have a chance to acclimate to larger dogs and vice versa. However, safety is crazy important to us so that'll always trump individual dog preference.
  • What type of flooring do you have?
    Inside the facility, there are 2 main types of flooring . . . (1) stained/painted concrete and (2) 1/4" rolled rubber flooring. Concrete floors are the primary floor choice in the kennel area, front lobby, etc. while the indoor yards are fully covered in rolled rubber flooring. We used rubber flooring in the play yards only as it's important that dogs aren't able to scurry away from staff/owners in non-play spaces. Please keep in mind that, on rare occasions, the rubber flooring can turn semi abrasive if a dog is a high energy power stopper, angle cutter, etc. Give us a ring if you'd like to discuss things in more detail.
  • How often do dogs go outside?
    Our tail-wagging friends have access to outdoor yards majority of the day through either overhead garage doors or commercial man doors. Outdoor yards are closed off a few times throughout the day for nap and relaxation time. We want your pup to have a great time at Pup City, but we don’t want them absolutely exhausted by the time you come pick them up! Outdoor yards may also be closed if excessively hot, cold, and/or stormy weather are in play.
  • Do you put dogs in timeout?
    Yes, of course we do! Dogs may be placed in timeout for negative behavioral output (viewed as an instance, trend, or obsession) and/or when overstimulation is in play. We view timeouts as a form of distraction and not a form of discipline. Dogs who are in timeout are placed in a row of kennels outside the play yards. Timeouts typically last for 30 minutes but can be shorter or much longer depending on the dog, unwanted behavior, variables in play, etc.
  • Do you make dogs take naps during daycare?
    Every facility is different when it comes to nap policies. At Pup City, we think Customers should be paying for daycare . . . not naps. Let us explain. Unlike most facilities, we have plenty of space for positive mental stimulation for play, exercise, self regulation, etc. The norm in this industry is a combination of lots of dogs and small space. Cramming a lot of dogs into a small space typically results in a tired dog. Every owner loves seeing a tired dog at the end of the day but they never question why their dog is actually tired. Most dogs in a crammed facility go home because they have no option but to socialize and have no space to self regulate. At Pup City, our oversized yards are plenty big enough for dogs to socialize, observe, play, snooze, and more. Naps are not mandatory but we will put dogs up for a timeout/nap if they need help calming down, taking a break, etc.
  • Do you accept all dog breeds?
    Big, small, furry, bald . . . we love and accept all dog breeds! Our only requirement is that your pet passes a “dog-friendly” temperament test prior to their first day of daycare and/or boarding. Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to schedule a temperament test.
  • What type of corrections do you use on dogs?
    We use a combination of auditory and physical corrections when it comes to negative behavioral output and/or decreasing the chances of a potential altercation! Auditory distractions (trigger words, clapping, stomping feet, etc.) and physical distractions (walking between an interaction, squirt bottles, shepherd sticks, etc.) can be used depending on a variety of variables. Some corrective distractions are more effective with certain dogs while some distractions are useless with other dogs! Corrective distractions are very important when it comes maintaining high safety levels in the facility. Positive reinforcement training/corrections are very difficult to use in a daycare/boarding facility as they can result in more issues. For example, positive reinforcement corrections such as food treats, praise, and excessive petting can potentially result in resource guarding and jealousy throughout the pack.
  • What is the ratio of staff to dogs?
    Our goal is to maintain an employee to dog ratio between 1:20 and 1:25. However, our ratios can and will fluctuate based on dog personality types, staff availability, potential facility expansion, etc. For example, shyer dogs are typically calmer and more relaxed than dominate dogs, which means a higher employee to dog ratio will suffice. The safety of our guests is an absolute priority here at Pup City so we will adjust our employee to dog ratios accordingly!
  • Is staff on site 24/7?
    No, staff is not on site 24/7. There are plenty of safety measures that have been implemented to help increase dog and pet owner comfort levels. Some of those safety measures include additional security locks, commercial grade 80+ head fire suppression system, 24/7 monitored fire/smoke network, emergency notification systems, extended staff hours, and more. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions and/or concerns.
  • How do you keep the facility clean and safe?
    High sanitary levels are kept through consistent general cleaning procedures that include floor sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, surface wipe-downs, trash removal, etc. Sanitary kennel conditions are maintained through either a 5-step or 6-step process, depending on the kennel situation. There are 2 main cleaning procedures for outdoor/indoor yards, and they are a heavy playing factor when it comes to disease and odor control in and outside the facility!
  • Can you administer medication to my dog?
    We’re happy to assist with medicine administration to your dog(s) if detailed and step-by-step notes are provided to us well ahead of time! On rare occasions, we may not be able to help with medicine administration if the process is too complex and/or requires a specific skill set. As always, safety is of the utmost importance, so if our staff is not experienced enough in a certain medicinal situation, then we unfortunately won’t be able to accommodate your request. However, we will always try our best to accommodate the needs of our guests!
  • Why do some employees wear headphones?
    Our facility can get very loud. You may have noticed the auditory levels if you've been in our lobby before during standard operating hours! We love our employees and it's so important to us that they're as comfortable as possible. Pup City employees are allowed to wear headphones while in the back (exercise yards, kennels, etc.). The purpose of headphones is to help maintain higher tolerance levels in employees by muffling noise (not completing blocking out noise).
  • What's included with overnight boarding?
    Overnight boarding includes a dedicated kennel for nighttime and a free full day of daycare. Elevated dog beds are available at no cost (first come first served), but we do recommend bringing your dog’s bed that they are used to sleeping in at home. Please note that meals are not included in our boarding services as we encourage dogs to stick with their routine diet and food. A minimal amount of double kennel setups with transfer gates are available upon request.
  • Do boarded dogs stay in their kennels all day?
    No way! We wouldn't want our dogs in a kennel all day so we won't make your dog stay in a kennel all day. All boarded dogs are on a very specific schedule. We try to have all dogs out from their kennels no later than 7:00 AM to go potty and stretch their legs. Dogs are put up in their kennels for breakfast no later than 7:30 AM. Meal times are always 1.5 hours regardless if a dog is a grazer or fast eater. Dogs are let out from breakfast at 9:00 AM and participate in daycare till 12:30 PM. It's important that boarded dogs maintain high tolerance levels during their stay so breaking away from the physical stimuli component is important. Boarded dogs are in their kennels for a mid-day nap from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM and are back in the exercise yards from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. We try to have boarded dogs up at 6:00 PM for dinner but sometimes things don't go as planned so our safe side buffer is not later than 6:30 PM for dinner time. Boarded dogs come out for a last potty and exercise break between 8:00 PM and 9:15 PM. Please keep in mind that the boarding schedule may fluctuate based on staffing levels, time of year, etc.
  • What happens if my dog gets sick on site?
    Unfortunately, with some viral infections, symptoms can show up between 2 and 10 days after an exposure event. The chance of that happening while on facility grounds is possible. If symptoms of viral infection become present, the subject dog will be immediately isolated from pack play for individual observation. If symptoms continue and/or can be replicated, a pick-up phone call to the appropriate owner will be made. Sick boarded dogs that can't be picked up (by owner, emergency contact, etc.) will be isolated (with solo play and potty breaks) for the remainder of their boarding stay. We highly recommend having a backup plan in play during boarding stays. Daycare and/or boarding charges are not dependent on isolation timeframes. Service rates will remain the same.
  • Is the facility open on the weekends?
    Great question! As of now, we are open on both Saturdays and Sundays for boarding services. Reduced hour daycare services are offered on Saturdays only. We try our best to create a healthy combination of operational convenience for clients and closed business hours for employee relaxation.
  • Can I bring toys, blankets, food, etc. when my dog is being boarded?
    Yes, yes, and yes! We want our guests to feel at home during their stay, so we encourage pet parents to bring things (dog bed, favorite blanky, routine food, etc.) that are a part of their dog’s daily lifestyle.
  • Do boarded dogs participate in daycare activities?
    Of course they do! The only difference between boarded dogs and daycare dogs is that boarded dogs eat meals at Pup City and go up for a mid day nap between 1:00 and 3:00 PM (give or take). All boarded dogs must be able to participate in pack play. Dog reactive dogs are not allowed at Pup City for any offered services.
  • My dog is a humper, can they come to your facility?
    Great question! Well, it really depends on the severity of the humping. Do they mount every dog in site or are they fixated on a specific dog? If it's a specific dog, we may able to work around it with yard transfers. Humping is common in dogs and we're more lenient with puppies that mount as they're still learning social skills. With older dogs, we're less lenient with humping tendencies as most social skills have already been developed and it can be more difficult to break such a habit with an older dog. For example, a humping puppy will probably take a correction much better than an older dog that's corrected when humping. Humping and corrections go hand in hand. Is your dog's humping an instance, trend, or obsession? That's the primary question that we'd need to find an answer to!
  • What happens if there is a dog fight?
    This is an enclosed facility and altercations unfortunately can and will happen. If there is a fight, the 1st thing we do is deescalate the situation and remove all dogs involved in said altercation (regardless of who the aggressor was). Dogs are placed in kennels for 5 to 10 minutes to calm down. Once calm, all involved dogs are scanned for cuts, abrasions, etc. to determine the severity of the situation. Depending on severity, owners will be notified immediately and primary veterinarian clinics will be contacted, if need be. Security footage will be viewed to determine what variables were in play and/or if a primary aggressor was in play. The involved dogs are visually scanned a second time 30 to 45 minutes after the altercation to confirm that no injuries are present.
  • Can you give my dog lunch during daycare?
    Yes, we are happy to place your dog in an individual kennel for lunch! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all 90 minute periods, regardless of eating habit (grazer, fast eater, etc.). Please note that eating habits can change while inside the facility. Some dogs devour their food quickly while other dogs may not eat at all. We do not recommend lunch for dogs who have not had a chance to fully acclimate to the facility.
  • Can I use my daycare plan credits toward a boarding reservation?
    No, the Gingr system does not allow us to use daycare credits toward daycare services associated with a boarding reservation. Gingr is a wonderful third-party software platform but it only offers so many customizable options. Feel free to give us a ring if you have any questions!



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